In our previous post on the CareerTruth methodology, we introduced you to these three key principles: Mastery, Freedom, and Legacy. If you haven’t become familiar with the overarching CareerTruth methodology, now is a great time to do so before learning more about Freedom, the second of the three arcs of our CareerTruth philosophy.
How will you measure your life?
Clayton Christensen, a top business strategist and Harvard professor, researched and wrote a book on this topic towards the end of his life. He concluded that the only measure that matters when reflecting on your life is your positive impact on others. Not your salary, your title, or your material possessions. The only thing that matters is how much you positively impact others throughout your life. That’s your legacy.
The happiest people have purposes that go beyond themselves and beyond making money.
The third arc in Koda’s CareerTruth philosophy—Legacy— is about the impact you wish to make on other people. Simply put, your legacy is the lasting impact you have on others, and everyone does it in their own way.
Let’s use an example for Kai, a 38-year-old leader at a software company. He cares deeply about his team and takes the time to coach his employees. In fact, he’s coached a couple of people who have received promotions and are now people leaders themselves. Kai is also a father of three, and he strives to make time for his children. He coaches his daughter’s basketball team and volunteers at school programs several times a quarter. On weekends Kai uses his coding skills to set up and maintain their community center’s website to coordinate volunteering opportunities. He and his family also volunteer through the center.
As you can see, Kai’s legacy is being felt by his team, his family, and his community. He’s using his Mastery in leadership to coach his employees, he’s making time to stay engaged with his family and his community, and he’s using his technology skills to help the community center which serves many people.
Koda will challenge you to think holistically and begin with the end in mind. As you envision your legacy, you’ll contemplate whose legacy you’ve benefited from, why you work, and the legacy you want to leave. As with Mastery and Freedom, you’ll end up with a current state and a future plan for positively impacting those around you—in your community, in organizations you work at, and among friends and family. We’ll help you articulate your “why”, we’ll keep you on track with your goals, and we’ll ultimately guide you to leave the legacy you dream of. To get started with Koda and build your personal career plan, join our solution waitlist here.