Mastery, Freedom, and Legacy: A proven framework to manage your career

We get it. Managing your career can feel overwhelming and intimidating. There are so many aspects across so many different seasons of your life. But what if you were able to build a foundation today that puts you in a position to achieve your near-term career goals, long-term career goals–and brings you personal fulfillment? It may feel like achieving the impossible. But it all comes down to build the right plan, and with the right mentality and framework.

The CareerTruth methodology is specifically designed to help you think about your career and make decisions taking these fundamentals into account:

  • Be in growth mode
  • Be “at choice”
  • Be in service to others

To take that a step further, the CareerTruth methodology is comprised of several paradigms, designed to help you think about your career as something that must evolve as your life needs change–and that never comes at the expense of what’s most important to you.

Consider these CareerTruth paradigms:

  • Work is a part of life. Life is the greater.
  • Work must not cause personal failures.
  • There is no such thing as Work-Life Balance. It is about how your work flows in your life. Work-Life Flow is a more appropriate mindset.
  • Every career has opportunity costs or sacrifices to consider.
  • Money is not the measure of success. Money is an outcome based on choices.
  • In your career, you should consider yourself a business. Own or Be Owned.
  • Big Ideas are your currency in the market.
  • Most people are reacting their way to their careers. CareerTruth makes you proactive and agile.
  • You can’t know the truth unless you know yourself. Self-actualization is the key to freedom.
  • Career success is the joy brought on by pursuing Mastery, Freedom and Legacy.
  • Mastery is about yourself. Freedom is about your choices and your free will. And Legacy is about the other.
  • Mastery: You are called to be the best person you can be.
  • Freedom: The courage to make the best choices that allow you to be your best or impact others positively.
  • You should choose what to have “freedom from” so you can have “freedom to”.
  • Fear is the biggest obstacle to Freedom. Fear is the evil of career.
  • Legacy: The only measure of success is the people we positively impact.
  • Be a good steward of Legacy. You have received Legacy and owe it to those people to pass it on. “Legacy to me”, “Legacy from me”.

Now that you’re in the right mindset, it’s a perfect time to take action by starting your career plan built upon the CareerTruth methodology.

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