Want to grab the attention of a hiring manager, a potential recruiter, or someone who can help your resume land on the top of the stack? A key aspect of this is nailing your career stats — and giving them the prominence they deserve on your resume and LinkedIn profile.
That’s why it’s important to learn how to communicate your most important achievements then and there. These “baseball card stats”, if you will, are a quick summarized snapshot of your value to the market. Good for the resume, yes, but mostly good for your own knowledge.
Baseball cards serve as a way for fans to collect the cards of their favorite players…often with a quick snapshot of the player’s performance stats and highlights. Of course, there’s a lot more to the player than the bite sized information captured on the card. Is the player great with teammates?
Good energy in the dugout? A sore loser? Coachable? A prima donna? A presence on the field?
Of course there is more to the player, and more to the person, than the few lines on the back of a card. A baseball card is a tangible item that can be rare, which makes them worth collecting (can you imagine if there were equivalent cards for the world of work?! Imagine others wanting to collect a card of you!) The point of the analogy here though is that while we work to become known by our good name and reputation only, we often have to learn how to communicate our “career highlights” succinctly and powerfully – and half the battle is knowing them.
What would your baseball card stats be?
In Koda, you have access to an ever-growing library of resources, exercises, and activities to help you prioritize putting together critical career assets such as your own career “baseball card stats.”